Thursday, April 12, 2007

Dave Coustan on Corporate Blogging at EarthLink has a good interview of Dave Coustan, former writer for and full-time blogger for EarthLink for the past 1 1/2 years.

This podcast's a good insight into "Corporate Blogging" at a company that serves over 5 million paying subscribers, with ~2,000 employees.

Dave's a great guy with a rare knack for effectively conveying techie concepts to humans.

With a few hundred employees, roughly 1% of world-wide web traffic going through one of the online destinations we serve, Internet Brands isn't the smallest fish in the pond, yet perhaps the "Biggest Internet Company the World's Never Heard of".

In certain ways it's "strategically neat" to stay below the radar. Yet it occasionally hurts us when it comes to "attracting developers". While not exactly a "corporate blog", ibbydev aims to bring an occasional geek-friendly glimpse into the stuff we do behind the scenes.

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